Exploring identity, embracing diversity

Gender diverse kids are a dynamic bunch. They’re creative, bright, and resilient. They challenge our assumptions and encourage us to see the world in new ways. They thrive in environments where their unique needs are met and where their individual strengths can shine through.

Wider Lens Consulting provides guidance and training to clinics, schools, professional organizations and parents, helping the gender expansive children in their care to flourish.

We don’t so much solve our problems as we outgrow them. We add capacities and experiences that eventually make us bigger than the problems.

— Carl Jung

What we offer

We offer interactive online training programs that can be tailored to meet the needs of your educational establishment, therapeutic clinic, or parent group.

As pioneering figures in the treatment of gender dysphoria in teens and young people, we bring a wealth of knowledge and experience drawn from therapeutic practice.

Not only is our work informed by the latest clinical research, it also navigates the complex and rapid cultural developments around gender with sensitivity and compassion.   

Services for Parents

Our parenting webinars and in-person retreats take into account the enormous complexity in parenting a gender-questioning child. A one-size-fits-all solution isn’t going to work. We recognize that there are many ways into gender dysphoria and many ways out.

We offer compassionate guidance which accounts for the centrality of attachment, adolescent development, family dynamics, and interpersonal relationships. We help parents make the decision that feels best for their family. 

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Professional Development for Clinicians and Therapists

Our programs for clinicians and treatment centers will emphasize the compassionate, developmentally-informed approach that can help gender diverse young people who may also be facing mental health difficulties. This population can present unique challenges for therapists and clinicians. 

A thoughtful approach to gender-related distress will give professionals the tools they need to support this cohort. Our nuanced, exploratory perspective prioritizes the wellbeing of the whole person.

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Professional Development for Educators and School Administrators

We know that educators are committed to creating inclusive environments where every child is seen, understood, and celebrated. Our programs will help schools sensitively balance the needs of gender nonconforming students with the needs of others in the community.

We can help your institution become a safer, more welcoming place for gender and sexual minorities without losing sight of the bigger picture.

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Learning to live with ambiguity is learning to live with how life really is, full of complexities and strange surprises.

— James Hollis

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